Pay Bills Using the Mobile App

KCU’s mobile bill pay allows you to consolidate all of your bills into one easy-to-use place and manage all of your bills across different websites or apps. With the Kitsap Credit Union app, you can easily manage your bills with one app.


  • Security: Your Kitsap Credit Union account details are kept confidential from the people you pay.
  • Convenience: Automatically schedule bills in one convenient place. Plus, pay bills without the need to write checks or mail envelopes.
  • Helpfulness: Get reminders when bills are due.
  • Flexibility: Choose between one-time and recurring payments.
  • Universality: You can pay virtually anyone. Whether the payee accepts electronic payments or only paper checks, we can make it happen.
  • Free: There are no fees to use Bill Pay.

How to Use Mobile Bill Pay

Select “Bill Pay” from within the Kitsap Credit Union app.


Select a payee you’ve already set up or type in a new payee’s name and press Add.

Enter the amount of your payment and select the date to deliver the payment

Press “Pay” and then “Confirm.”